Everyone’s dream job is here – getting paid for watching movies and TV all day long.

The popular streaming service has a job opening for a "Tagger" A tagger is someone who watches and analyzes movies and TV programmes that will be streaming to Netflix in the future. He will then “tag” them by describing them using objectives tags. So not only that you will be paid to watch TV shows, but you will be the first one to watch them, before anyone else! The bad thing is, it’s only for UK and Ireland.

Taggers are responsible 

"…watching and analyzing films and TV programmes that will be streaming on Netflix in the future. The tagger will deconstruct the films and programmes and describe them using objective tags.
Which, let's be real, sounds like a lot more work than you think, but would obviously still be super AWESOME to do!
Imagine getting paid to watch season three ofOITNB before ANYONE ELSE!
